Entries by Megan

Sneak Peek : The Phoenix Project

A few years ago I was fortunate to be able to participate in the launch of Go Mighty, an awesome website created around setting goals and finding your team to cheer you on, provide support and share in your success. If you’re a longtime reader, you already know what happened next, but for any of […]

Throwback : Room Makeover with the Land of Nod

This post originally ran in September of 2013, but it’s one of my favorites! I am definitely NOT a decor expert, as made very obvious by the before photos of this room. I was so grateful the Land of Nod offered to help a girl out! I loved working with the Land of Nod, one […]

Go Blog Social Workshop 2015

I made it, you guys! If you read my last blog post, you’ll know that I was getting ready to go to a workshop this weekend and I was a little, tiny bit nervous. Ahem. And although I felt like a huge dork-face posting that video, I tend to do much better in situations when […]

Crazy Bananas Vlog : Conference Jitters

This weekend I am fortunate to be able to attend to totally rad Go Blog Social workshop, which is a full day event with tons of other amazing bloggers from Kansas City. I’m so excited! And terrified! Ack! When you’re an introvert, events like this one can be pretty intimidating. Today on the video blog, […]

Throwback Photo Shoot : Dance is Life

One of my favorite photo shoots from the past few years is this one I did with my niece and one of her best friends. They are both dancers, and at the time, they were celebrating their big 13th birthdays with a beautiful photo shoot at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. In […]

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