Entries by Megan


I remember my first shuttle launch. I was 7 years old, in 1st grade, October. I remember everyone being jealous that I got to take a week off school to go to Florida. I remember staying in a condo at Coco Beach, just about 30 minutes from Cape Canaveral, where the shuttle launches from. I […]

Working Mom Must-Haves

When Lulu was a baby and I went back to work, I (like everything else I did when Lu was a baby) had no clue what I was doing. I didn’t know where to look for resources or advice on how to balance having a career and motherhood, so I made up the rules as […]

Mother’s Day Redeux

So, I had grand plans for a lovely post on Mother’s Day. One that talked about my transformation as a mother, from scared kid to a real grown up. One that explained in detail how I have finally grown into my motherhood, how a person who used to do anything to show people that I […]

Born This Way

OK, so if you know me in real life, you know I CAN’T STAND LADY GAGA! And yes, that requires all caps and an exclamation point. I think she is basically an unoriginal hack who just does crazy things to be crazy. And it annoys me because she’s actually quite a good vocalist and I […]

To Do

Buy and send mother’s day cards to all the great grandparents; wrap mother’s day gifts for all the moms; prepare for marketing meeting; put together documents for large government proposal; grocery store for milk; figure out what to make for dinner; buy new pump parts for the ones the cleaning people threw in the trash […]

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