Entries by Megan

6 Months

Well hello, my dear Tater Tot, {Photo by Lucy} Today you are six months old. And son, if your dad didn’t hate horses so very much, I’d totally buy you a pony for how awesome you’ve been these last few weeks. In your five month letter, I told you how when your sister was five/six […]

A Note For the Dad

Thank you for being the father of my kids. Thank you for being a good man, someone they can look up to. Thank you for being there, even when you’d much rather sit on the couch and watch Top Gear with a case of beer instead of going to a cartoon drive in movie. Thank […]

A Note on Memory Keeping

Oh me, oh my, where do I start? I’ve been putting off writing about our trip to Disney for many reasons, the most important of which is that so much happened, and I just don’t have the time to get it all down. But, as I told Trent on the way home from the airport, […]

100 Things: Update

Trent and I were discussing my 100 Things To Do list the other day, when he brought up number 18, “attend a taping of the Oprah Winfrey show.” I said that obviously that wasn’t going to happen any time soon (as the show is no longer in production) and that I probably missed my window. […]

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