Entries by Megan

My Life Today: Edited

On Friday I left a lunch meeting and checked my phone for messages to see the dreaded four missed calls from Tate’s daycare. Turns out he had some sort of stomach bug and had been throwing up and feverish. Trent is out of town on business, so I went to go get the little man, […]

My Life Today

Dudes…that’s a lot of lunches. Like, whoa. {Clockwise from top left: Cooler for breastmilk to be pumped at work, Tate’s lunch – homemade oatmeal, bananas and strawberries, sweet potatoes, yogurt smoothie, Lulu’s lunch – cherries, tomatoes, grapes, PB&J, greek yogurt, juice box, Megan’s lunch – turkey+cheese+wheat thins, tomatoes, grapes, ice water, goldfish crackers, greek yogurt, […]

7 & 8 Months

Dear Tate, This weekend you turned eight months old, and way back in July, you turned seven months old. Are you amazed by my mathematical prowess, son? You should be. Random sidenote: You should ask your dad sometime about that time when he saw my LSAT pre-test scores in the math section and then made […]

Digital Sabbatical Recap

Remember when I said goodbye to the Internet for the month of July? Well, if you’re here, you definitely do, because no one else is still reading after that break. So thank you, reader, for sticking with me through the month of radio silence and the ensuing barrage of pictures of my kids/lamenting of their […]