Entries by Megan

Freelance Life : An Update

It’s been a little over two months since I left my corporate world to join the freelance universe, and I figured it might be a good time for a little update. The transition to full-time freelancer has been fairly smooth, all things considered. I think I’d been freelancing on the side for such a long […]

Listening : My Favorite Podcasts

A few months ago we realized that our big, dumb puppy was basically a destructive tornado. Once he grew out of that adorable stage where 10 minutes of play made him sleep for an entire day, he turned into a ball of energy that we couldn’t control. He’s super-intelligent, but he gets bored easily, and […]

I Love Kansas City : Date Night

This year instead of resolutions, our family worked together to come up with some overarching goals that we could work on continuously through the year. With my new business, Trent’s hectic work schedule and two kids with lots of activities, we knew that creating a list of resolutions to check off probably wouldn’t be very […]

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