Americana – Part 1

I’ve been procrastinating to the nth degree on processing and uploading photos from our Fourth of July at the farm, mostly because I still have a gazillion photos to go through, and you really need to see the ones of Trent, his mom, Lucy and Molly McGoo stuck on a paddle boat in the middle of the pond (HI-LARIOUS!). But as the husband has decided to take apart his computer again and I currently have no access to the hard drive where my photos are stored, this will have to do.

These shots include the first night at the farm where I aimlessly took pictures of every flower or plant in sight, hanging out with the fam in downtown Manhattan, the 4th of July carnival in Wamego, Kansas and a playdate with my friend Inger and her family, who were visiting from Maryland. Enjoy!

  • Part 2 will include explosions, a very muddy family, several rides on the Gator and blurry photos of a giant vat of sangria. Don’t let the anticipation overwhelm you!

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    1 reply
    1. Inger
      Inger says:

      I LOVE Lu’s dress at the carnival! I want to steal it…

      And thepics of the kids are adorable!! Can I get copies of those? Pwetty Pwease?
      Miss you!



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