A Week of Firsts

It has been a week of firsts here at Crazybananas headquarters, especially for our number one gal, Miss Lulu. It’s funny, because with an 18 month old in the house, it can sometimes be easy to miss out in the changes in Lu. I mean, her brother becomes a completely different person every few days, but her personality and demeanor are pretty well set. However, the last few weeks have just been one big thing after another and I find myself looking at her and wondering where my baby/toddler/preschooler/kindergartener went?!

Within a one week time span, Lulu rode her first two wheeler with assistance (see photo above for the cute dude providing said assistance) and….
1. Rode on her first merry go round! Remember when merry go rounds were at every playground? Well, they are pretty much outlawed now since they tend to lead to injury. Lu, Tate and I went to an old playground in my hometown and lo and behold, they still had a merry go round! In fact, it was the same merry go round from when I was a kid. Lu promptly ran over and jumped on with three little boys who were spinning it at fast as they could, and then jumping on. Lu was in heaven! That is, until, one of the little boys ran over to me and said, “Um, your daughter is bleeding.” Oh, that cursed merry go round! It was just a small scrape, and she got right back on. She’s big now, after all.
2. Made her first dinner! For her birthday last month, one of Lulu’s awesome great-aunts gave her a chef’s hat and apron, which she has been dying to try out. I finally (and nervously) let her work the stove, and she made Tate and I a lovely dinner of pasta with marinara sauce. It was quite yummy and there were no major injuries.
3. Cried at her first breakup scene in a movie! I won’t spoil you with the movie we were watching (it rhymes with Mice Cool Fusical Blue), but at one point the main couple break up and sing a super sad song about it. I looked over and Lulu’s eyes were filled with tears. I caught her glance and she immediately hid under the blankets, embarrassed about crying. I, of course, then started crying too and told her that I cry in movies all the time and I would never, ever make fun of her for that. Then we snuggled and stuffed ourselves with popcorn. I see many a rom-com movie night in my future!
4. She lost her first tooth! Not only did she lose her tooth, but she helped pull it out. Lu and her crazy dad pulled it out together, and Lu insisted on watching in the mirror. She’s a six year old sadist! There was a lot of blood, which freaked her out, but she quickly got amped up with excitement and the prospect of ice cream after the deed was done. She wrapped her her tooth in her new box for the tooth fairy (bought on Etsy, here) and hid it under a pillow on the middle of her floor, so it would be easier for the tooth fairy to find. The tooth fairy was very grateful, I hear.

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