A Decade

10 Years Ago

10 years ago I was in a hospital holding your teeny little bodies.

9 years ago I was driving back and forth from college to babysit.

8 years ago I was wrangling three two-year-olds who wanted nothing more then to destroy me.

7 years ago I was spending New Years Eve watching the Tellatubbies because I really am the best aunt ever.

6 years ago you cried when I left for Italy and were very angry with me until I returned. With presents.

5 years ago you walked down the aisle at my wedding.

The Wedding Party

4 years ago you held my first child in your protective older cousin arms.

3 years ago you became better dancers then me.

Sloanie & Lulu

2 years ago one of you broke her leg and the others grew their hair out to unforseen proportions.

1 year ago I realized you were getting way too old, way too quickly.



Dylan Sporting a Princess Hat (as he does)

Cousins Join the Party


And now.

Now you’re ten years old.

Happy birthday, to my favorite little people. Who aren’t so little.

Happy birthday, to my favorite “almost” tweens. I will convert you from Taylor Swift yet. It is my life’s greatest goal.

Your Favorite Aunt
(At Least in My Own Mind)

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