Each year I write a birthday letter to my kids on the blog…you can find Lucy’s previous letters here: nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one.
Dear Lucy,
Welp, we made it! DOUBLE DIGITS! Can you believe it?! I certainly can’t…but that’s a running theme in these birthday letters, isn’t it. My disbelief in time itself and your ability to grow minutes, days, months and years faster than I’d anticipated.
This year you’ve changed more than in the past few, and it wasn’t totally unexpected. You’re officially a “tween” now, and all the little kid-ness seems to be fading away. Luckily there are a few hold outs, like snuggling before bed and hugging me in public, but I’m sure they are on their way out. Our conversations are changing too. These days you ask me real questions, and I can’t fool you with whimsical answers. You want to know how the world works, why people suffer, why people disagree and why people hurt each other. I wish I could shield you from all of it, but I know by sharing the real stuff with you, I’m giving you the tools to change the world for the better. So we snuggle in bed and we talk about the world, in all of it’s ugliness. But we talk about the goodness too, and you latch on to those stories with hope and inspiration in your eyes. I can see the wheels turning and know that as you grow, you are going to spread joy in the world the way you spread joy in my life. We are so lucky to have you here!
This year you started asking me questions about growing up that I wasn’t particularly ready for. You wanted to know what was happening to your body and how it will change in the next few years. You asked why your body seemed different than some of your friends. You took the dreaded introductory health class at school! Ahhhh! But instead of being all weirded out, you were fascinated! You immediately started talking about the science of the human body and how cool it is…it was pretty incredible to watch! You wanted to learn more and asked me to get you books so you could do some research on your own. I’m so excited to watch you learn, Lulu. Your brain is a magnificent thing.
I’m so proud of the friend you are, Lucy. You are kind to everyone, and are the first to step in to help when someone is hurting or left out. You make buddies everywhere we go, and to this day, you’ve never met a stranger. Your kindness is something I’m so grateful for…you make me want to be a better person and a warmer friend. Your extroverted nature can be challenging for your introverted mom, but I’m lucky I get to see the world through your eyes and experience new adventures because of you.
So far, you haven’t quite fell prey to the power of peer pressure…but I’m sure those days are coming too. For now, you’re still my sweet girl. You don’t try to be “cool,” you are just yourself. You love Harry Potter and cats. You dance in your room to music and spend your days drawing page after page in your journal. You still play pretend and get excited when you lose a tooth. You’re you, and you’re amazing.
Thanks for another beautiful year, my Lulu. You’re still my favorite light.

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