
A few weeks ago I headed off to Denver for a work conference, leaving Lu behind for the first time since she was born. I’d like to tell you how horrible it was, how I cried and bawled and changed my mind at the last minute, rushing off the plane to be with my little monkey. But, people, I didn’t. I sat my butt on that cushy Frontier Airlines seat and read me a magazine. An entire magazine. Do you hear the birds singing? The clouds parting? It was the most magnificent flight of my life. Then, that night, I drank cocktails with real live adults. Maybe one or two cocktails over my limit, but hey, what can you do?

And maybe, if I’d remembered that in less than 24 hours the rest of the family would be joining me for a long weekend, culminating with another flight, this one consisting of a toddler stomping on my lap and screaming and throwing toys at the poor lady in front of us, I’d savored those cocktails a bit longer….

Special thanks to Allison and Steve, who not only fed us and provided us with lots of beer and wine and a warm place to sleep, but acted like a Lu-tantrum was funny instead of exceedingly embarassing.

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  1. […] The last time the Peters fam visited our dear sister and brother-in-law in Colorado, we took our baby to the park. […]

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