Sigh, yawn, grumples

Lucy has this pair of PJs that I randomly bought for her when I was babysitting for my sister’s triplets. My sister called late that night to explain they wouldn’t be returning from parents’ night out and would be running away to Fiji. I can’t imagine why, I mean, three six-year-olds? What a pansy? Anyone could handle that.

Point of this long winded story is I had to run out and get Lucy something to sleep in because she had managed to soak the outfit she was in. I went to the local Babies R’ Us (by the way, an extremely frightening shopping experience) and found a pair of “jammers” on sale for $5. They shirt was screened with a picture of a crustacean and had the words “I’m Crabby” below it.

Today, I wish they made those in a women’s medium.

If I had a pair of PJs to wear to work that said “I’m crabby,” today would be the day for it. Instead, I opted for a very chic pair of gauchos (circa 2005) from Target’s maternity line and a lavender t-shirt from Costco. Yes, apparently I’m the kind of woman who buys clothes at Costco. Heaven help me.

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1 reply
  1. The Mara
    The Mara says:

    I’m also wearing gauchos, not maternity ones, but they are from target…we’re in the same world…but one a happier subject, WHO’S EXCITED TO GET DRUNK THIS WEEKEND!?!?


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