The Belly Exposed (27 weeks)

generic cialisOK, here it is…trust me, it’s much larger in person. And more charming.

27 weeks.jpg

Notice that sexy chick from one of Trent’s video games giving me the evil eye. She must be so jealous of the belly. I get looks like that all of the time. Don’tcha wish you had a belly like me?

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3 replies
  1. The Mara
    The Mara says:

    I have a belly too! It’s called beer, because it’s a beer belly! Anyways….just went out in Aggieville, probably the worst outfit I have ever worn, NO MATCHING!!! I was stoned/hungover/drunk this morning and this is how my life ended up….damn it!

  2. Inger
    Inger says:

    My belly and your belly are gonna have an in-uetro baby fight! Wahoo!!! But yours is so cute because you don’t have any of those yucky streth marks like me… I can’t wait to see your belly jump around!


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