The Date
November 13th…I’m too lazy to call everyone, so hope you all read this.
I think my brain is about to explode with everything that has been going on lately. I am at the point where I am so sleepy and worn-out that I just stare at my computer at work and don’t really get anything done. Almost identical to what I did at my last job! Except this time I’ll try to avoid shoving dull pencils into my eyes.
Have I mentioned how much I miss my dear friends coffee and cigarettes?
Nov. 13th I will be there! Love ya and I am very excited and please register for some fun stuff for the both of you please!!!! I am not the best with good gifts; silly, crazy, unpractical and liquid gifts yes, but not good gifts like a waffle maker to lingerie (lol) anything and everything but please do register!
Starving……………that’s all for now, oh wait…my five-seven things I love for the day: my cat, quarters, nice frat boys, tv, cigarettes (sorry!), being off work, and of course my dear friends. HA find an error in spelling in this bitch….funny thing, as I was writing that I typed almost everything single thing wrong. I love my life (sarcasm)
Hello all that might have forgotten me…since the phone calls never come when they said they were coming…my life is very exciting right now. I had the best time ever last night with Amber and Jamie…it was awesome. I talked to Scott for about half an hour on the phone (strange!) and I also got to be mean to Liam and tell him that he was not welcome to come to the bar that we were at even though his friend was there who thought that Jamie was me, or Marla, but it all turned out pretty good…it was so much fun! We were just all dumb, happy drunk girls and I had a blast….
oh yes my list….I like: sweatshirts, ex-boyfriends that admit that they were the asshole and that he never thought I was crazy!, pears, thai food, my lovely ability to go from happy to pissed off in a matter of seconds (it’s really bad when I’m tired!), and finally….when Megan answers her phone (now that’s a real treat..seeing how it rarely happens, love you!)