Sawyer and Kayla Came to Visit

Last weekend our good buddies Mikayla and little Sawyer made the trek across the state line for a little visit and grill action. Sawyer and Tate are about four months apart and they are finally at an age where they sort of play together. Well, Sawyer tries to play sweetly and Tate throws rocks at his head. Good buds, those two.

Sawyer’s dad is Trent’s business partner, so watching the boys play and hang out is especially hilarious for us, as we can see their fathers’ personalities shining through. We are so lucky to have these guys as our friends/partners in crime. No one understands being an entrepreneur’s wife like Mikayla, and I’m glad to have someone who understands and can commiserate with me when things get a little too stressful.

Plus, the girl makes rad cheese dip. And she always reminds me to take pictures, which I haven’t been so good about lately. I’m so glad we busted out the camera, because these dudes are pretty adorable.










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