Born This Way
OK, so if you know me in real life, you know I CAN’T STAND LADY GAGA! And yes, that requires all caps and an exclamation point. I think she is basically an unoriginal hack who just does crazy things to be crazy. And it annoys me because she’s actually quite a good vocalist and I really don’t understand why she has all these gimmicks. Annoying!
I am willing to make an exception for “Born This Way.” Even though it does sound a lot like “Express Yourself” by Madonna. Because singing this song at the top of my lungs with Lucy is one of my new favorite pastimes. Luckily, there is a great Glee version so I don’t have to feel like I’m giving in to the Gaga Machine.
If I had a t-shirt in high school with something on it that I was insecure about, it would be “Space Camp Geek.” I was teased mercilessly about my love of all things NASA (and nerd-related in general), but now? Now I not only embrace my dorkiness, but love it! It’s one of my favorite things about myself. I was born this way, and this way is totally badass!
[Sidenote: Have you all been watching Glee lately? They are KILLING it! This last episode featured music from Fleetwood Mac’s Rumors album and holy crap…so good.]

I love lady Gaga! I love all of her music and how connected to her fans she is…although the craziness freaks me out. And yes, glee is rocking this season! I miss watching it with my peeps 🙁