The. End.

Last month, quite unceremoniously, after three hundred and sixty five photos were taken, the NYC + KC Project ended. Our last pictures were taken on February 2nd, and since then, we both have been stalling, not uploading our final shots. Maybe to draw it out longer, maybe because we were just so very “done” and didn’t want to mess with it anymore. Probably a bit of both.

I still have to go through the last month’s worth of photos and place them side by side, but for now, here’s our last shot.

Day Three Hundred and Sixty Five

T, thanks so much for doing this project with me. I’ve loved every minute of seeing the world through your lens. I can’t believe we actually made it….well, actually I can. Thanks for sticking it out, and thanks for encouraging me when I wanted to quit. I’m so glad we did this together, it was worth every minute of uploading on a Saturday night, and then some.


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1 reply
  1. T
    T says:


    I loved it too, I feel like I can say that now that we are about a month out! Thank you for being my creative friend who pushed me in new ways. I will miss seeing your city everyday too, but in many ways I feel closer to it than ever before. I cannot wait to see your whole family soon and see some of the images past in person!

    Love always BFF, T


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