Snow Day


It’s cold.

Seriously, like, really f’ing cold.

This morning it took the will power of a king to get me out of bed and to work at 7. Then home by 11 to relieve the husband for child duty so he could go to work as well. We both had HUGE proposals due. Lucy’s school was cancelled. Drama all around.

But now I’m home. And I’m taking advantage of this random afternoon away from the place of employment to finally take down my Christmas decorations. I know, right? I’m one of “those” people that still has her tree up. My parents used to leave theirs up for months and months when I was a kid. It was not unusual for us to have a tree up at Eastertime. So really, I’m ahead of the curve. Right? Right.

And yes, our outdoor lights are still up. Trent has said that they will not come down until the temperature reaches at least 35 degrees.

So if you visit us in April, be sure to comment on our beautiful holiday lights.


In the meantime, you can find me here. With some ugly, fuzzy socks. Probably in my flannel jammies with the reindeer on them. And a few blankets. And mittens.


Seriously, it’s really f’ing cold.

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3 replies
  1. Megan
    Megan says:

    I know, right? Apparently I am receptive to change, it just takes about 8 years…and after Trent put lights up twice because I didn’t like the first ones, I basically just had to smile and say thank you regardless of whether I loved them.

    Also, I haven’t talked to you in ages and we need to catch up! I’ll call to chat!


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