Harry Potter and the Luckiest Girl in the World

When I was fourteen years old I met a boy. His name was Dustin and he was one of my first friends during my first, endlessly dorktastic year in high school. He was too cool for words, had the best taste in music and would make me mix tapes for my awesome Pontiac Grand Am. Since I turned fifteen before he did, and had my learners permit, we became carpool buddies. I spent many a summer day at his house, listening to music and watching movies. He even worked as a wedding/party DJ and I would randomly accompany him on gigs where I’d pick out the nerdiest songs in his catalogue and then dance spastically while the bride looked on, horrified.

Now Dust is a full-blown Kansas City megastar (in my opinion), and along with his day job at a respectable advertising agency, he also works for Scene-Stealers, a movie reviewing group. He is constantly attending movie screenings and randomly meets the stars (Seth Rogen, anyone?), basically his life is too awesome for words.

Last week Dustin tweeted (twittered?) that Scene-Stealers was holding a contest for an advance screening of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and of course I entered. I always do. I never expected to win anything. Why? Because I’ve literally never won anything. Ever. So imagine my surprise and total happiness when I got a text from Dust that said, “Check your email…”

Harry Potter Advance Screening Passes!!!

SPOLERS BELOW! Although if you haven’t read the books, so don’t know what will happen in the movies, that’s pretty dumb and sort of your own fault if you get spoiled.

So tonight, at 6 p.m., my friend Mara and I will be squealing with delight as Harry kisses Ginny, Hermione and Ron finally sort of get together, and Mara will totally be crying when Dumbledore dies. We have plans to possibly go buy ourselves some wands today, and I’ll be sporting my “spoiler” t-shirt.

And all because in high school I had an awesome friend with connections. Although I doubt he’ll want to be seen anywhere near me tonight. Not even he can handle the dorktastic Megan when she’s in a Harry Potter coma. In fact, he’ll probably be the one yelling from the back of the theater “Would the wizard in the front row please put down your wand!”

And I’ll sink lower in to my seat, embarrassed that I was called out.

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1 reply
  1. TrustTheDust
    TrustTheDust says:

    “basically his life is too awesome for words. ”

    i hate to burst your bubble, but… well, uh. Never mind.

    Thanks for the very kind words. My Monday just got a little better.


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