Nerd Herd Thursday on Friday – Movie Premiere Edition

Today I am very busy swooning. And being dazzled. And getting lost in the eyes of a certain vampire.

Twilight Movie

If you need me, I can be found at the AMC 30 movie theater working to help our crumpled economy with my $12 ticket. I’m the one with the t-shirt that says Edward Cullen Dazzles.

No, not that one. The one that’s over the age of 13 with the shirt that says Edward Cullen Dazzles.


I know, as if the wizard obsessing and ewok cuddling and Star Trek loving and keeper of the ring watching wasn’t enough to label me a total loon, now I have this too.

And this, my friends, is why I will never have a shortage of fodder for Nerd Herd postings. Thankyouverymuch.

And for more fantastic movie news, click here.

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