
My husband came home last night after four days away and looked at me like I was an alien. I was so excited to see him, but maybe the pus spewing out of my left eye (oh yes, the left one, no longer the right one) may have turned him off. He spent most of the night avoiding me and my pus, but after Lu went to bed, he came into the bedroom where I was doing the laundry dance. The laundry dance is what occurs when a dumb blond a-hole is bored while folding laundry. Now the laundry dance is sad enough to witness, but imagine walking in on your wife doing the laundry dance, looking like she got punched in the eye, and the following is on the TV:

Holy. Shitballs.

It’s probably cause for divorce, right? I should have a clause in our prenup preventing him from leaving me due to my sicko obsession with crappy Disney channel movies. He just looked at me with one cocked eyebrow and I said, “Listen, we all have faults, and unfortunately this is mine. At least it’s not hard drugs.”

Oh, and while I’m confessing, I may as well just out myself on the upcoming Disney mania.

Egads, the lipsynching is mesmerizing!

Now, you may wonder why I would post such awful crap on this site and not keep these horrendous videos for myself. Well, mostly because you know later today I’m going to start getting emails with this video from all of those who mock my horrid fault and this is my way of one-upping them.

Ha! Beat you to it! Who’s the loser now?!

Answer: Me

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1 reply
  1. Kristi
    Kristi says:

    I take personal offense to the “loser” comment. Glad to see they toned down Troy’s orange glow this time and I don’t know about you, but I always wore white sundresses and flowers in my hair to high school basketball games. In reality, I’m so excited for this movie to come out I could wet myself.


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