8 Months
Dear Lucy,
First off, I know this is belated, as technically you turned eight months old last weekend, but we were in Florida with your grandmother. And even though she swore to me that your Great Aunt Timmie had “the Internet,” when we arrived I realized not only the computer was from 1998, but she was using dial up. Not to mention that I spent most of my Florida computer time attempting to find some random pictures that were lost somewhere “in my documents” and emailing them to a friend of your Aunt’s.
In the last month, well, really, the last two weeks, your growth has just exploded. One day I woke up and you could crawl. Two days later you pulled your self into a standing position and looked at me like, duh, I’ve been doing this all along just not with YOU in the room! I can not even describe to you the horror of realizing we were going to be visiting Grandma in Florida, with all of her figurines and fake flowers, with you as a completely mobile being. Your Grandma ended up just stacking pillows on everything and putting you in her padded cell with some measuring cups to chew on. My little insane baby.
You’ve also realized that water can be fun. I’ve been trying to get you to splash in the tub for months, and now I may be regretting this decision. Bathtime is officially bathtime for anyone within a 5 foot radius of you. Water is everywhere! You squeal and scream and splash. And when I take you out of the water your legs keep kicking like you’re going to leap right out of my arms into the sink. My little insane fishy.
You were my little travel buddy in the last month. We took our first plane trip together and I received so many compliments on your behavior. Such a happy baby, everyone says. And you are. You’re so joyful. And when I get you up from bed or naps, or when I pick you up when you go head first into a wall or piece of furniture, or if you just look up and decide you need me, you lift your arms up above your head. And when I pick you up you wrap your tiny arms around my neck and place your head on my shoulder. Just for a minute, then you jerk up to see if you missed something. That small moment is by far the best moment of my life. And I get to live it every day. My amazing little Lucy.

I’m so in love!!! Oh and thanks for the warning!!
LOVE the swimsuit! Adorable.
Thanks for making me cry at work.
I heard a dirty rumor that Lucy is in a KSU shirt today!?!? Well I guess it’s okay because I support the cats when needed…but don’t let it happen on important game days, we have to raise her to be a hawk, they are just SOOO much cooler!! 🙂