6 Months
Well hello, my dear Tater Tot,

Today you are six months old. And son, if your dad didn’t hate horses so very much, I’d totally buy you a pony for how awesome you’ve been these last few weeks. In your five month letter, I told you how when your sister was five/six months old, she’d gotten two teeth, gone on a “nursing strike” and rolled over. Then I asked you to go easy on me. Well, survey says you didn’t really take it easy, little one. Turns out most of that stuff must be genetic, because you have accomplished all of those things this month and more. But you know what? As always, you took it all in your little stride. You smiled and laughed through two days at Disney World in the 97 degree heat. In fact, you were so happy, I didn’t even realize your little tooth had popped through until you bit me when I stuck a stray finger in your mouth. And then a day later, whoops, there was another one! But even while totally uncomfortable and surely in pain, you were a bright light of joy. Dude, I want to bottle up whatever you’re taking and sell it on the black market. I’d make a killing.

You survived your first plane ride during our Florida trip, and as expected, you did wonderfully. You fussed for about two seconds, nursed, and fell asleep for the rest of the ride. Despite the stuffy nose and the swollen gums, you snoozed for two and a half hours and then woke up ready to go when we got of the airplane. The couple in front of us stood up after we landed and did a double take, as you were so quiet during the trip, they hadn’t even realized there were kids sitting behind them. Yeah, I know, I’m gloating. Whatever, I’m sure someday when you wreck the car joyriding with your buddies I’ll look back on this and say “Karma, pure karma.”

You have taken greater control of that little body of yours this last month, learning to roll over and sit up all by yourself. And you were kind enough to save both moments for when I was present. See, this is why you get a pony, kiddo. I’m so happy I was there to see the look of shock on your face as you realized you had flipped over, and the total contentment as you balanced on your little bum for 10 seconds and then fell over. I know that before I can count the days, you’ll be crawling all over the place, getting into everything and anything. So for now I’m enjoying my somewhat peaceful home, and prepping the baby gates.

I love you Tater. You are my sunshine.


He is so ridiculously cute!!!! I want to squeeze him!!