6 Months
Holy god, Lucy, you are actually six months old! Since you’ve been born, this was the milestone that was always the biggest and (seemingly) the most elusive. A six month old baby is just so…so…BIG. I really haven’t thought of what will happen once we past this six month mark. I guess it just seemed surreal that we’d ever make it here in the first place. I’d better study up on what babies over six months are supposed to do. I’ve heard they start moving around when you put them down on the floor, I wonder if I should be worried?
This month you have become, yet another, entirely different baby. I’m starting to think you may have an issue with mutiple personalities. Lucy, don’t listen to the voices in your head, especially the one telling you to say “da da” before “ma ma!” Ignore the voices!
Of course, you haven’t really been ignoring the voices and have started to make sounds that could be translated as actual words. Whether they are actually words or not is up for debate, but you’ve made noises that strongly resemble hi, daddy and da da. I believe you are doing this to torture me, and to that I say, well played young one. I will keep feeding you chocolate and candy until you say “mama.” You win.
You are also startingly mobile. We all know the story about me leaving the room and returning to find you in the fireplace. You’re scooting around a bit, but most of the movement comes from you rolling from place to place. You’re just like a puppy. All I have to do is put a toy out of your reach and there you are, rolling around to get it.
This month we went to Grandma’s house for our first major holiday, Thanksgiving. When your Grandpa Lee’s ENTIRE extended family came over, you were in heaven. Me? I heard the doorbell ring 40 times and thought I was going to lose it! You took everything in stride, as you were passed from person to person, laughing, smiling and trying to put things (people, cats) in your mouth. I finally had to steal you back because I was just so in love with my little charmer and I wanted to keep a bit for myself. Maybe I should bottle it up and sell it on QVC for three easy installments of $19.99? I know I’d pay for some bottled Lucy-charm.
Yesterday, someone who was meeting you for the first time got you giggling and I heard her exclaim, “Oh my God, she looks just like Megan!” I know you’re the spitting image of your daddy, but it’s nice to know that I’m in there too. Especially when you’re sharing that great belly laugh. You’re such a happy little kid and we are so blessed. You see the good in every, single thing you lay your eyes on, and that’s such a great, positive thing to be around.
I love you, little monkey.
P.S. I am not a fan of the new teeth…could we possibly go back to my gumming girl that had a smile like an old man? No. OK, well, no biting!

Beautiful! I can’t wait to see my baby again, even if she cries when she sees me like she did with Jake : )