100 Things: Parts 21-30
21. Grow my own cantaloupe like when I was a kid
22. Spend a day at a spa
23. Play in a real rock band
24. Buy a brand new Mac computer
25. Send my daughter to college
26. Work on a horse ranch
27. Go white water rafting
28. Teach Lu how to ice skate
29. Report from a foreign country for NPR
30. Live in a “green” home
You can see Parts 1-10 by clicking here. Or you can see Parts 11-20 by clicking here.

I am loving your lists! It makes me want to write my own.
I will soooo take you white water rafting with me! I love it!!! And then we’ll go to hot springs in the mountain, ride around on horses, and get massages from hot latino men who have voices like Antonio Banderas.
Yay, happy thoughts! 🙂
I LOVE the last one. and the NPR one is a good one too!
I have decided that when I get in a masters/ph.d program I am buying a new mac:) hopefully the air ps I want to live in a green home too…the Jonathan factor might help a bit!!